Sunday 14 June 2015

Cardiff "City Region" Undemocratic and Unwanted?

I have great reservations about  the  new “city deal” for Cardiff  it seems to be imposing a devolution deal intended for  England which has seen Manchester given powers over policing, transport and housing, as well as control of the £6bn NHS budget. on Wales that does not  suit us.

I support the idea of devolution of power in Wales but the idea of a Cardiff Region could result in all resources being centred tin that Region and could be detrimental to rural area pathetically West Wales.

I am also very worried that such powers will not be placed in the hands of elected representatives but unaccountable  "Boards.

Welsh Secretary Stephen Crabb seems to be tying link his support the creation of such a region  may make the ambitious Metro transport project dependent om it
Mr Grab suggested a “new style of governance” would be needed for the deal, which is believed could be worth as much as £1bn to the region. 
“It won’t be UK Government saying to Cardiff and the surrounding region that you need XYZ in place in terms of governance,” he said, “But we are looking to the local partners on the ground to bring forward a vision that does have a strong component of new style of governance.”
 He added: “
The challenge now for the authority leaders and the business community – we shouldn’t leave the business community out of the picture here – [is] can they work with all levels of government to crystallise a vision for what a really ambitious city deal can look like for the Cardiff City Region?
“I am more optimistic after today’s meeting that we are in a place to actually deliver this

This does not look like this would  mean that we have an elected  a super council or mini Assembly   but unelected members or co-opted existing Councillors  running  Transport and housing, as well as control of the  some of the NHS budget.

How would people in Merthyr be able to voice an opinion that they are receiving unfair treatment  and everything is being concentrated in Cardiff and the M4 corridor if not by the ballot box?

And bearing in my mind we are likely to see the announcement of reorganisation of local government with the enforced merger  of Welsh Councils soon  it does seem rather odd to create a Cardiff City Region which will take some of the powers of the councils or work in duality with them  and that snot taking the Assembly into account.

I'm open to persuasion but power should be devolved downwards  but it should be in an effective and democratic manner . I don't see a Cardiff City Region doing either.

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